Current and projected vessel traffic in the Arctic: Heavy fuel oil use and its alternatives MEPC 71/16/4

A Submission paper by the Clean Shipping Coalition, Friends of the Earth International, Pacific Environment, and WWF

The paper highlights recent developments regarding the future of Arctic shipping and the comparative costs of using heavy fuel oil versus alternative fuels.
The preparation of this document was assisted by the International Council on Clean Transportation, Ocean Conservancy, the Environmental Investigation Agency, and the Iceland Nature Conservation Association.

Oil Spill Response Capacity in Nunavut and the Beaufort Sea

A Summary report by WWF Canada

As the Arctic warms and sea ice diminishes, the biggest threat to the Arctic marine
environment from ships is from an oil spill. Less summer sea ice has already led to
increases in ship traffic, yet significant legislative, capacity, information and funding
gaps exist in the current spill response framework in both Nunavut, and in the
Beaufort region.

Infographic: The real costs of HFO spills

An infographic by the Clean Arctic Alliance

Drawing on the lessons from the social, economic and environmental costs of four major heavy fuel oil spills, this document highlights how a precautionary approach should be applied to protect the Arctic environment from the disastrous consequences of a potential HFO spill.

Clean Arctic Alliance Position Statement on Heavy Fuel Oil in the Arctic

Position Statement by the Clean Arctic Alliance – HFO-Free Arctic: Ban Heavy Fuel Oil from Arctic Shipping

The use of heavy fuel oil (HFO) by vessels operating in the Arctic poses a major risk to the Arctic marine environment. It produces harmful emissions that negatively impact the global climate, threatens the food security, livelihood and way of life of Arctic communities and produces emissions that impact human health. As the use of HFO is expected to rise as vessel traffic in the Arctic increases, the Clean Arctic Alliance strongly advocates the phasing out of the use of HFO as the most effective mitigation strategy as a matter of priority.

The impacts of Arctic shipping operations on Black Carbon emissions

A report by Daniel Lack PhD

This study looks at how variable factors specific to Arctic Ocean sailing impact on ship propulsion, and engine efficiency and how Arctic shipping needs to adjust its fuel consumption to the changes experienced. The reports delves into the complexity of BC emission predictions and the technical choices that will need to be made for the reduction of BC emissions from today and future Arctic sailing operations.